A South African Facebook User identified as Sophie, has taken to her page to share the terrible tale of her son’s murder. According to her post, Sophie said that her family was attacked On January 20, 2019, by three armed robbers, who stole everything they had and still shot their 4-year-old son. “On Monday, 8:30 pm,20th January, young 3 arm robbers with guns walked into our back yard, broke the glass door and get into our house. they take everything in our home freely and killed our son with his little pyjamas on. “This tragedy left me and my husband devastated and traumatized to the extent we felt like we’re bad parents. Ethan was shot and survived two surgeries before his life was ended. “First surgery was successful and when the Doctor came out to say Eth is breathing himself that was the best news I have ever received through that night..but after the second surgery, bleeding was too much, my Son had suffered severe internal injuries to the extent blood was not clott...
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